Kate Craven
Why you do what you do:
Kate is passionate about creating and facilitating impactful, challenging and engaging development programmes that initiate lasting behavioural change. Kate’s aim is to ground her programmes in the real world exploring business challenges and opportunities and helping delegates achieve success.
Who you are:
Kate is Founder and Owner of Insight Learning Consultancy Limited, created in 2002. Her background in leadership positions in the Financial Services Sector gives her a very practical approach to developing others.
Areas of expertise:
Kate specialises in the field of leadership and management development, enabling leaders to identify their purpose and create paths to success. She is frequently asked to work with groups of leaders helping them explore their authentic voice when presenting, to create impact and connect with an audience. Kate is an accredited MBTI Practitioner, an accredited Thomas International PPA facilitator, facilitator of Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument and an accredited coach through the Henley Management College.